International Journal of Sustainable and Green Energy

Special Issue

Current Research and Future of Renewable Energy

  • Submission Deadline: 30 May 2015
  • Status: Submission Closed
About This Special Issue
Depleting fossil fuels are challenging the modern human civilization for the search of renewable energy resources. Renewable energy resources can be in the form of physical energy resources such as solar energy, and bioenergy resources, such as biofuels. Renewable energy resources have been designated as cost effectively as well environmental friendly. It is necessary to understand the current research on renewable energy resources. The research on renewable energy is not a luxury but also the need of the day. The reports on current research trends can help to identify the future needs of research in renewable energy worldwide.

Following types of contributions are welcome:

1. Original research article
2. Short communication
3. Review article
4. Perspective article
5. Letter to editor
6. Conference report
Guest Editors
  • Niaz Muhammad

    Zhejian University China, Kohat University of Science and Technology, China

  • Pavol Otepka

    Department of Sustainable Development, Faculty of European Studies and Regional Development, Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra, Nitra, Slovakia

  • Muhammad Sohail

    Department of Physics,University of Balochistan, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan

  • Indhu Mathy

    Excel College of Engineering and Technology, Anna University, Trichy, India

  • Parveen Saini

    Polymeric and Soft Materials Section, CSIR-National Physical Laboratory, Delhi, India

  • Ali Akbar

    Department of Microbiology, University of Balochistan, Quetta, Pakistan

  • Muluken Nega Bazezew

    Department of Natural Resource Management, College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Dilla University, Dilla, Ethiopia

Published Articles
  • Nickel – the Ultimate Substitute of Coal, Oil and Uranium

    U. V. S. Seshavatharam , S. Lakshminarayana

    Issue: Volume 4, Issue 4-1, July 2015
    Pages: 1-6
    Received: 12 October 2014
    Accepted: 31 October 2014
    Published: 25 November 2014
    Abstract: During E-CAT test run some hidden and unknown energy is being coming out in the form of heat energy in large quantity. Based on the principle of conservation of energy and from the well known nuclear fusion and fission reactions it is possible to guess that, the E-CAT hidden energy may be in the form of binding of protons and neutrons of the Nickel... Show More